Peter A. Koziol, Esq.
     Assouline & Berlowe, P.A.
     1801 N. Military Trail, Suite 160
     Boca Raton, Florida 33431
     (561) 235 - 0725


Aerospace Assignees
Aerospace Inventors
Time Lines

Unmanned aerial vehicle for logistical delivery

Invented by: David W. Byers
Arlington, VA

Gary A. Hall
King George, VA

Graham D. Hunter
Horncastle, GB

Colen G. Kennell
University Park, MD

Aleksander B. Macander
Rockville, MD

Judah H. Milgram
Hyattsville, MD

Jason D. Strickland
Gaithersburg, MD

Originally Assigned to: The United States of America as represented by the Secretary of the Navy
Washington, DC
[Now assigned to . . .]

Application No:10856360
Examined by:Luu; Teri Pham

A hollow elliptical-cylindrical hull conformingly houses a hollow rectangular-prismatic cabin whereby the four longitudinal parallel outside edges of the latter make contact with the inside surface of the former. The fully constructed aircraft (either non-powered or powered) includes the integral hull-plus-cabin structure along with nose, tail and airfoil structures that are coupled therewith. The cabin conformingly accommodates hollow rectangular-prismatic modules useful for cargo storage. While the nose and/or tail structure is uncoupled from the integral hull-plus-cabin structure, the modules are inserted into the cabin and the cabin is sealed. The aircraft is lifted (e.g., via airplane, helicopter, rocket or balloon) to a particular elevation and released, whereupon the two wings fully emerge and the aircraft effects controlled flight until reaching its destination. After landing, the nose and/or tail structure is uncoupled from the integral hull-plus-cabin structure, the cabin is unsealed, and the modules are removed from the cabin.

[pdf] U.S. Pat. No. 7,059,566

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This information is part of a study by Oasis Global, Inc. of all space inventions filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not an endorsement of any particular assignee, inventor or invention. Although Peter A. Koziol represents inventors and assignees of space inventions he does not represent all of the inventors and assignees listed. The prosecuting attorney agent or firm for each patent is identified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the patent specfication, which can be viewed by clicking on the patent image or downloading the patent document. For more information regarding Mr. Koziol's background and experience, or to learn more about space inventions, please contact Mr. Koziol.

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