Space Patents >By orignal owner or assignee
Rolls Royce PLC Click on a space invention patent originally owned by or assigned to Rolls Royce PLC.
This information is part of a study by Oasis Global, Inc. of all space inventions filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not an endorsement of any particular assignee, inventor or invention. Although Peter A. Koziol represents inventors, owners and assignees of space inventions he does not represent all of the inventors, owners and assignees listed. The prosecuting attorney agent or firm for each patent is identified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the patent specfication, which can be viewed by clicking on the patent image or downloading the patent document. For more information regarding Mr. Koziol's background and experience, or to learn more about space inventions, please contact Mr. Koziol .
7,010,906 Gas turbine engine haveing a disconnect panel for routing pipes and harnesses between a first and a second zone 2006-03-14
7,014,145 Variable position intake for an aircraft mounted gas turbine engine 2006-03-21
7,048,230 Laminar flow nacelle for an aircraft engine 2006-05-23
7,086,219 Cowl structure for a gas turbine engine 2006-08-08
7,090,165 Aeroengine nacelle 2006-08-15
7,107,755 Engine arrangement 2006-09-19
7,143,975 Landing arrangement for an aircraft 2006-12-05
7,165,744 Turbine engine arrangements 2007-01-23
7,241,113 Vorticity control in a gas turbine engine 2007-07-10
7,255,307 Closure panel arrangement 2007-08-14
7,317,261 Power generating apparatus 2008-01-08
7,341,225 Aircraft wing and aeroengine arrangement for attenuating engine noise 2008-03-11
7,364,118 Propulsion arrangement 2008-04-29
7,398,641 Aeroengine intake having a heat exchanger within an annular closed chamber 2008-07-15
7,438,262 Redundant gas turbine engine mounting arrangement 2008-10-21
7,581,693 Shrouded nozzle arrangement 2009-09-01
7,604,199 Aerofoil containment structure 2009-10-20
7,730,995 Acoustic apparatus 2010-06-08
7,735,601 Engine noise 2010-06-15
7,802,760 Boundary layer control arrangement 2010-09-28
7,806,363 Engine mounting assembly 2010-10-05
7,806,364 Containment system for a gas turbine engine 2010-10-05
7,815,145 Mounting system for use in mounting a gas turbine engine 2010-10-19
7,866,142 Aeroengine thrust reverser 2011-01-11
7,874,142 Aeroengine thrust reverser 2011-01-25
7,891,167 Gas turbine engine flow reverser 2011-02-22
7,891,671 Panel assembly including deformable seal 2011-02-22
7,941,993 Engine cooling 2011-05-17
7,967,108 Acoustic liners 2011-06-28
7,988,087 VTOL aircraft nozzle 2011-08-02
8,011,172 Engine arrangement 2011-09-06
8,074,923 Engine mounting apparatus 2011-12-13
8,104,263 Actuator arrangement for vectorable nozzles of gas turbine 2012-01-31
8,109,734 Article formed from a composite material 2012-02-07
8,152,094 Engine mounting apparatus 2012-04-10
8,307,628 Rear fan case for a gas turbine engine 2012-11-13
8,317,126 Aircraft having a lift/propulsion unit 2012-11-27
8,322,652 Thrust mount arrangement for an aircraft engine 2012-12-04
8,328,504 Aeroengine drain assembly 2012-12-11
8,342,473 Thrust mounting arrangement 2013-01-01
8,348,199 Boundary layer energiser 2013-01-08
8,402,736 Method and apparatus for suppressing aeroengine contrails 2013-03-26
8,418,953 Gas turbine engine nacelle 2013-04-16
8,443,612 Engine mounting arrangement 2013-05-21
8,444,084 Aeroengine mounting 2013-05-21
8,444,085 Support structure 2013-05-21
8,548,713 Power demand management 2013-10-01
8,561,939 Apparatus for taxiing an aircraft 2013-10-22
8,578,697 Fan section 2013-11-12
8,601,792 Oil cooler having adjustable heat transfer effectiveness 2013-12-10
8,651,426 Jet engine installation 2014-02-18
8,661,783 Heat exchanger having swirling means 2014-03-04
8,698,444 Aircraft electrical actuator arrangement 2014-04-15
8,714,033 Catcher pin assembly 2014-05-06
8,714,478 Assembly comprising a gas turbine engine and a supporting pylon 2014-05-06
8,833,701 Moisture dispersion 2014-09-16
8,851,421 Aerofoil with erosion resistant leading edge 2014-10-07
8,857,760 Propulsive unit for an aircraft 2014-10-14
8,915,058 Heat transfer arrangement for fluid-washed surfaces 2014-12-23
8,931,252 Intake liner for a gas turbine engine 2015-01-13
8,931,588 Acoustic panel 2015-01-13
8,985,507 Gas turbine engine nacelle having a symmetric flowpath and design method thereof 2015-03-24
9,010,680 Pylon for attaching a gas turbine engine 2015-04-21
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