Space Patents>By inventor Geoffrey P McKnight
Click on an invention of space inventions originally credited by the United States Patent and Trademark Office to be invented by Geoffrey P McKnight. This information is part of a study by Oasis Global, Inc. of all space inventions filed at the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and is provided for informational purposes only. It is not an endorsement of any particular assignee, inventor or invention. Although Peter A. Koziol represents inventors and assignees of space inventions he does not represent all of the inventors and assignees listed. The prosecuting attorney agent or firm for each patent is identified by the United States Patent and Trademark Office in the patent specfication, which can be viewed by clicking on the patent image or downloading the patent document. For more information regarding Mr. Koziol's background and experience, or to learn more about toy inventions, please contact Mr. Koziol.
7,178,395 | Control logic for fluid flow control devices | 2007-02-20 |
7,550,189 | Variable stiffness structure | 2009-06-23 |
8,476,564 | Thermally activated variable stiffness composites for aircraft seals | 2013-07-02 |
8,746,626 | Adaptive structural core for morphing panel structures | 2014-06-10 |
8,800,641 | Methods and apparatus for a micro-truss based structural insulation layer | 2014-08-12 |
8,869,933 | Acoustic barrier support structure | 2014-10-28 |